by ramshacklegenius | Feb 10, 2020
A Stitch in time A Stitch In Time Hours: Tuesday through Friday12-6 120 Bent Street, Suite PTaos, New Mexico 87571 575-425-1502 Facebook: @AStitchInTime alterations and clothing repair Our taos storyLynn has twenty-five years’ experience in the repair and alteration...
by ramshacklegenius | Feb 8, 2020
Ammann Gallery Ammann Gallery120 Bent Street, Suite LTaos, New Mexico 10 a.m.-5 pm Daily 575-758-7450 website: ammanngallery.comInstagram: @AmmanGallery locally made jewery, arts, and crafts Ammann Gallery features the art and craft of local member artists along...
by ramshacklegenius | Jan 14, 2020
common thread textiles COMMON THREAD TEXTILES124 Bent Street, Suite E Taos, New Mexico 575-758-8987 Hours:Thursday – Tuesday10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CommonThreadTaos@yahoo.comWebsite: CommonThread.comInstagram: @common_thread_textiles beauty & Creativity...
by ramshacklegenius | Feb 10, 2020
mooncat fiber mooncat fiber120 Bent Street, Suite BTaos, New Mexico 575-758-9341 Hours:Open Daily10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Website: mooncatfiber.comInstagram: @mooncatfiber Local, Hand Dyed and Hand Spun Yarns and Fibers Mooncat Fiber has a large variety of hand dyed...
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