Bead creations
bead creations
124 Bent Street, Suite C
Taos, New Mexico
Open Weekdays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Weekends, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Facebook: @beadcreationstaos
Instagram: @beadcreationstaos
twitter: @creationsbead

Beads, jewelry, stones
Bead Creations Taos offers a wide variety of Gemstone quality Natural stones and beads for all of your artistic and creative needs.
Our taos story
Bead Creations Taos offers a huge selection of Gemstone quality Natural stones and beads for all of your artistic and creative needs. A large selection of rocks, including Agate, Apple Jasper, Moonstone, Superseven, Selenite, Onyx, 4 different mines of Natural Turquoise including Nevada #8, Sleeping Beauty, Kingman and Campitos. In addition we have a great selection of DELICA Seed Beads, in sizes 8/0 and 11/0 and about 500 colors to choose from! Miyuki Round Seed Beads in sized 11/0, 8/0 and 6/0. Matubo beads in size 6/0, 7/0, 8/0, & 11/0, Super Duos, Tilas in Full, Half, and Quarter sizes . Czech Glass Beads, African Trade Beads, Sea Glass and lots of findings.
We offer 15 different varieties of stringing materials: Slon, plain and waxed, Silkon, leather, beading wire, Sinuw, power cord, Fireline, memory wire, and wire for wire wrapping.
Owner, Regina Romero also offers one-on-one classes from Basic tool use to Intermediate Brick stitch, Peyote Stitch and Herringbone Stitch types. Her store provides everything you need to start you off on your jewelry-making journey.
Taos News featured Regina Romero in May 2017 prior to her relocating to the John Dunn Shops. Click this link to read more about Regina and her passion.